Clean Outs

Junk Crusaders has exactly what you need.

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Junk Crusaders owner in the truck
About Us

Junk Crusaders is your region’s locally owned junk removal business, and we’re always ready to tackle the next job. You can trust to do the job right. Why? Because we’ve become experienced professionals from the countless number of jobs we’ve done. We’ve dealt with all sorts of junk in many different service areas. Want to be our next customer on that list? Then call us today or contact us online to start working with us. We’d be happy to help you get the clean out services that you need.

Hard drives for electronics removal
Why Clean Outs?

There are several reasons why you might need a clean out. So, let’s list a few examples. Maybe you’re looking to do a renovation, or you’re trying to sell your property outright. Either way, you’ll want the place to be as tidy as can be before you get started. What if you’re a property owner whose renters just had a foreclosure? Another good reason to get in touch with us. Or, if you’ve had a friend or family member pass away, you might need assistance cleaning up their estate. We’re ready to help you in these trying times. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Our Clean Out Process

The process of our clean out services is fairly simple. We’ll arrive at your home or business, and then, you’ll have an opportunity to show us around. Expect to answer a few questions from us before we calculate our final, in-person quote. Once you’ve accepted this quote, our team can start working on tidying the place up. It’s go time!

Cleaning out an entire home can be quite the challenge. Never fear—we’re here to do all the hard work for you. We’ll work with you to make sure everything you need to keep gets sorted away from everything that needs to go to the dump. Pretty simple, right?

Saving You Time

Trying to handle your own clean out can be excruciating, both physically and mentally. Of course, there’s a lot of planning that goes into something like this. And, when it comes time to haul all those heavy items around, you can wear yourself out real quick. So why work yourself to the bone like that when Junk Crusaders can help? Let us do the hard work. That way, you have some extra time to yourself. Maybe you’ll relax in Downtown St. Louis while we do the dirty work. It’s all up to you!